This recipe takes only 15 minutes to prepare, and the results turn out excellent every time they’re made. These little chocolate bars can be cut into small or medium pieces. Me and my kids ate them in the first 10 minutes, and the kids requested that I make more, they simply loved them.

Furthermore, these bars are quite nutritious, so if you don’t want to buy chocolates from the store, you can make these delicious bars that are also good for the bowels. These bars are so easy to make since they lack eggs, flour, and oil. Even people who dislike figs enjoy these little no-oven bars. They can be served with walnuts, honey, and lemon syrup. The following ingredients are required:

INGREDIENTS REQUIRED: 1 wafer sheet (cut in half), 200 g of dried figs (an extra 100 g if you want to decorate), 250 g of walnuts, 100 g of sugar (1/2 cup), around 3 tablespoons of honey, 200 ml of water (1 cup), 2 lemon slices (optional), 100 g of chocolate, and 1 tablespoon of oil (optional).

PREPARATION: In a dish or small saucepan, combine the water, sugar, and 100 g of honey. Mix the ingredients, then add 2 slices of lemon and bring the mixture to a boil on the regular heat. Meanwhile, in a blender, blend 250 g of walnuts and 200 g of figs.

Also, you can chop the figs and then grind them with the nuts, if that’s easier for you. After boiling for 3 minutes on high heat, the mixture is ready. Pour the heated syrup over the crushed walnuts and figs in a deep dish.

Combine everything well. The wafer sheet should be cut in half. Pour the entire mixture out onto the first sheet. Cover the top with the remaining crust, with the big side towards the mixture.

Tighten and press firmly the upper wafer, then wipe and smooth the extra filling from the sides. Wrap the entire wafer in baking paper and place something heavy on top (like a bottle or something similar).

Allow 1 hour for the wafer to solidify before making the glaze (if desired) from melted chocolate combined with a little oil. Pour the glaze over the wafer and decorate with fig pieces, as desired.

When the chocolate has become firm, cut it into bars or rhomboids to serve. These bars are so delicious and healthy, especially for people with gastrointestinal issues. The preparation details can be found HERE.