If you want delicious yet healthy sweets that give you energy, not empty calories, then this is the right recipe for you.

This roll does not require baking, nor do you need to use any sugar, flour, butter, or oil in its preparation.

Both kids and adults love this energetic little dessert. It is high in quickly absorbed carbs as well as beneficial fats.

These nutrients come from the various seeds and nuts that form the basis of this recipe. You will require the following:

Inredients required:

30 g of flax seeds (~ 1/4 cup),
50 g of unroasted sunflower seeds (~ 1/2 cup),
100 g of walnuts  (~ 3/4 cup),
150 g of dried figs that have been hydrated by soaking them in tepid water for 10 minutes (~1 cup),
150 g of prunes (~ 1 cup),
100 g of raisins (or cranberries) (~ 3/4 cup),
100 g of oat flakes (~ 3/4 cup), and
25 g of sesame seeds  (~ 1/4 cup).

Preparation: In order to extract the aroma from the seeds, it is necessary to preheat them a little at a moderate temperature. In an empty, non-stick pan, place the flax seeds and hulled sunflower seeds.

They should be lightly fried while being constantly stirred until they begin to “crack” and begin to smell good. They’ll start to turn brown. Take them off the heat, pour them into a bowl, and let them cool.

On a chopping board, grind 100 g of walnuts. You can also do this in a food processor or blender, but be cautious not to over-grind them.

Place them in a deeper bowl. Soak the dried figs in water or juice beforehand to make them a bit more juicy and hydrated. Then finely cut them into smaller pieces.

Prunes are usually juicier, so they do not require “soaking”. Put the chopped figs (with stems removed) together with the prunes in a blender and grind them. The mixture should be thick and sticky, and then add 100 g of raisins.

If the raisins seem to be very dry, soak them for at least 10 minutes in juice or water (or, if you want, in rum) for a couple more minutes, and then combine them with the other ingredients.

Then, add the flax seeds and sunflower seeds to the mixture that has been poured into the chopped walnuts. Finally, add 100 g of oat flakes.

The mixture must be thoroughly hand-kneaded until all the ingredients are incorporated because it is fairly thick. You can shape balls or you can also make a roll, as I did, by spreading the entire mixture onto the baking paper before rolling it up with a hand that has been gently oiled or wet.

After shaping the roll with the baking paper, put it in the refrigerator for a few hours so that it may firm up. After that, take it out of the paper and sprinkle it with sesame seeds. Slice into pieces, then enjoy. The preparation details can be found HERE.