Everyone enjoys quick, fresh summer cakes. Prepare this refreshing strawberry cake using Sanja’s recipe from “Aurora’s Kitchen,” which can be made in a pot without turning on the oven. You will need around 10 minutes to complete the process, and you can judge for yourself how delicious the dish is. This is what you require:

Ingredients required: 900 ml of milk, 3 vanilla puddings, 10 tablespoons of sugar, 300 g of plasma biscuits or other cupcakes, 250 g of fresh strawberries, 2 bananas, 400 ml of sweet cream or whipped cream, and 200 g of butter or margarine. For decoration: 150 g of cream (cooking cream) or chocolate glaze.

Preparation: Pour 750 or 700 ml of the milk into a deep pot, and then pour the remaining milk into another deep dish. The milk in the saucepan should have 10 teaspoons of sugar added to it, and the stove should be set to medium heat. As the milk thickens and the sugar starts to dissolve, stir it occasionally.

In the bowl with the remaining milk, shake the three packets of vanilla pudding. Mix briefly with a wire or a whisk to dissolve the lumps, then wait for the milk in the pot to boil. Then, gradually pour the milk into the pudding and start stirring frequently until the pudding is cooked.

If necessary, reduce the heat on the stove or remove the pot from the stove, then return it when it has cooled slightly. Boil the pudding to the required thickness, then set it aside. Add the cubed butter or margarine to the warm pudding.

Mix until the butter is melted, then add the cream, combine again, and set aside to cool. Meanwhile, prepare the strawberries and bananas. It is necessary to use fresh fruits that are undamaged. Wash the strawberries well, then remove the stems.

Cut them in half, then, depending on their size, cut them in two or three times (they shouldn’t be too small or too big). Peel the bananas and cut them into half-finger-thick circles. Prepare the biscuits (plasma) by breaking them into medium pieces.

After thoroughly blending the pudding with the biscuits, add the bananas and strawberries. Gently stir the ingredients in the pot until they are combined into a smooth mixture. Because it hasn’t been baked, it doesn’t matter what size mold you choose to put the prepared cake in.

Although pouring it into a springform pan makes things simpler, if you don’t have one, you can line a pan with cling film to make it easier to remove in one go or grease the pan with butter to keep it from sticking. Place the cake in the refrigerator to set after flattening it in the pan. The best option is to let it sit for a few hours or overnight.

The decoration of the cake is up to you. Cooking cream whipped into snow or chocolate glaze can be used to decorate. Cake should be served when it is firm so that it may be cut easily. Details can be found HERE.