The recipe is quick and easy to make every time and serves great with coffee or tea. The cake is so easy to make that anyone with no experience can prepare it in just five minutes. The cake is ready in a matter of minutes. Here’s what you need:

прв рецепт

INGREDIENTS REQUIRED: 300 ml of milk, 120 g of sugar, 10 g of vanilla sugar, 60 g of cocoa, 150 g of butter, 400 g of biscuits, 120 g of chocolate, 30 ml of oil, and 60 g of roasted peanuts. INGREDIENTS REQUIRED for the bonus recipe: 200 g of chocolate biscuits, 50 g of hazelnuts, 20 g of cocoa, 20 g of powdered sugar, 80 ml of milk, 50 g of Nutella, 130 ml of whipped cream, 30 g of chocolate, and 10 ml of warm milk.

bonus recipe

Preparation for the first recipe: Pour 300 ml of milk into a deep pot. Add 120 g of sugar and 10 g of vanilla sugar. Stir quickly with a whisk and put the pot on the stove on medium heat. Cook by stirring occasionally, until the milk is heated and the sugar is dissolved.

Sift 60 g of cocoa directly into the pot and immediately combine with a whisk until all lumps are broken. Cook on moderate heat. When the milk boils, the mixture will begin to thicken. Then add 150 g of cubed butter and stir until melted. Remove the pot from the heat.

In a separate bowl, break the biscuits into smaller pieces. When the chocolate mixture has cooled, pour it over the biscuits and mix well until all is well absorbed into them. Pour the prepared mixture into a 27×14-cm mold lined with transparent foil.

The mixture should be flattened and placed in the refrigerator to set for an hour. Make the glaze first, and then take the cake out of the fridge. The peanuts should be blended after being roasted. Combine them with melted chocolate and a little oil. Remove the cake from the foil and cover it with the filling. When the glaze has set, you can serve it.

Preparation for the bonus recipe: Grind the biscuits very finely. Add the hazelnuts and grind them together. Transfer everything to a deeper bowl, then add the powdered sugar and mix. When the ingredients are combined, add the cocoa and milk. Knead the mixture to form a fine dough with a firm texture.

Wrap the dough in foil and put it in the refrigerator to cool (30 minutes). Mix the Nutella and the whipped cream (a bag of whipped cream and milk) and beat into a smooth cream. Transfer the dough to a flat surface covered with foil and stretch it into a rectangle with a rolling pin.

Spread with the nutella filling, then wrap in a roll. Place the cake in the refrigerator, and before serving, cover it with a chocolate glaze made from chocolate and milk. Check out the specifics of both recipes right here.

bonus recipe