“I’m returning to an old cake dish in today’s recipe that you surely remember from your youth. The cake, called the “one egg miracle,” is so simple that measuring equipment is not even necessary.

The cake is so inexpensive and tasty.“ You’ll need the following ingredients:

Ingredients needed: 1 egg, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of milk, ½ cup of oil, 1 cup of ground walnuts, 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons of flour, and 1 packet of baking powder. The measuring cup is 200 ml.

Preparation: Mix the flour and baking powder in a deep bowl and sift them through a sieve. In a separate mixing bowl, put one egg together with the sugar and beat with the mixer.

When you whip the egg and the sugar melts, start gradually, in a thin stream, to add the milk, and then the oil in the same way. Beat with the mixer all the time without stopping.

The ground nuts should then be added and slowly mixed with a wire whisk rather than using a mixer. The sifted flour and baking powder are then added. Combine everything with a whisk until you get a smooth mixture.

Pour the thusly made mixture into a 20×30 cm greased and floured tray, shaking off any excess. Spread evenly and levelly. Bake in a heated oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. When ready, leave the biscuit to cool.

The necessary ingredients for the cream are: 600 ml of milk, 2 packets of vanilla pudding, 10 tablespoons of sugar, and 250 g of butter or margarine.

Preparation: Mix the pudding powder with 10 tablespoons of sugar. Add a portion of 600 ml of milk, enough to make the mixture fluffy (100–150 ml).

When the remaining milk reaches a rolling boil, add the pudding and sugar combination, stirring continually on a medium heat until the mixture thickens well (making sure there are no lumps).

Cover the cooked pudding with transparent film and let it cool completely. Then, beat the cooled cream well with a mixer until you get a smooth mixture.

Then gradually incorporate the softened butter into the cream, beating again with a mixer after each addition. You’ll end up with a cream that is incredibly light and smooth.

On top of the chilled biscuit, evenly spread the entire cream. Spread out nicely and refrigerate for at least two hours in the refrigerator. Equally, slice the cold cake into cubes.

Chocolate Glazing: To make the glaze, you’ll need 5 tablespoons of oil and 150 g of cooking chocolate. The chocolate should be broken into cubes, then melted with the oil under steam until it turns into a glossy, smooth glaze.

After placing the cut cubes on an oven rack, cover them with the hot chocolate glaze. If you want to garnish them with whipped cream, wait until the glaze has had time to cool and set. View the video HERE to see all of the procedure’s specifics.